
Certified Celebrant Services

When someone we love passes away, we gather to honor and celebrate his/her life and memory. Now, more than ever, people are searching for a way to do this, a way that fully captures their loved one's life and holds more meaning for those present.

Matthew Vincentini

Matthew Vincentini

Gino Lustrinelli

A Certified Celebrant is someone who is uniquely trained to meet the needs of families during their time of loss. Certified Celebrants serve by providing a funeral service, memorial service or tribute that is personalized to reflect and honor the life and legacy of your loved one.

For this reason, Buranich Funeral Home, Inc. is proud to offer Certified Celebrant services from all of our certified funeral directors. A Certified Celebrant is someone who is uniquely trained to meet the needs of families during their time of loss. Through meeting with each family, they serve by designing a memorial service that is personalized to reflect and honor the life and legacy of their loved one.

No two people or life stories are the same, and in this way, we believe that no two life celebrations should be the same either.

What Does a Certified Celebrant Offer the Family?

  • A Celebrant has been specifically trained to design a service for your loved one that is completely personal, incorporating those unique stories, songs and experiences that defined his/her life.
  • The Celebrant will arrange time for family and friends to share memories, stories and special moments in your loved one’s life. The essence and soul of the service is based upon these memories that come together to create his/her complete life story.
  • The Celebrant will consult with your family to help design a service that best reflects and memorializes the life of your loved one.
  • The Celebrant can serve at a funeral service, memorial service, graveside service, or any other gathering designed to honor the deceased.


For more information on Certified Celebrant services, contact us at (315) 487-2412 or through our online contact form.

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